Creating an Encrypted Disk Partition
Created a new logical partition (/dev/vda5) which is 500MB in size
After a reboot, check the partition is there and looks okay:
fdisk -cul /dev/vda
Prepare the partition for encryption (enter YES and passphrase when prompted):
cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/vda5
Unlock the encrypted partition
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/vda5 encpartition
Have a look in the /dev/mapper directory, there’s an entry for /dev/mapper/encrypted partition:
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 7 Feb 21 12:24 /dev/mapper/encpartition -> ../dm-3
Make a filesystem on the new partition:
mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/encpartition
Create a mount point for the new encrypted partition:
mkdir /mnt/encpartition
Mount the new partition to the new mountpoint:
mount /dev/mapper/encpartition /mnt/encpartition/
Create an entry in the /etc/cryptab file:
encpartition /dev/vda5
Create an entry in the /etc/fstab
/dev/mapper/encpartition /mnt/encpartition ext4 defaults 1 2
Reboot the system. You should be prmompted for your passphrase at boot time. Once the machine has booted, the mount command should show that the ```encrypted (and unlocked) partition is now mounted:
[root@server1 ~]# mount | grep encpartition
/dev/mapper/encpartition on /mnt/encpartition type ext4 (rw)
- You can create a file which stores the passphrase. This allows the encrypted partition to be unlocked at boot time without asking for the passphrase. - There are obvious security implications to this. Create the password file like this:
echo -n "secret" > /root/encpartition
chown root /root/encpartition
chmod 600 /root/encpartition
- Now, you need to tell the Luks system about this new password file:
cryptsetup luksAddKey /dev/vda5 /root/encpartition
It asks you to enter ANY passphrase. This is because multiple passphrases can be created to unlock a particular partition. What you are really being asked here is “Enter any of the valid passphrases for this particular partition”
- If you make a mess of the crypttab of fstab files, the system won’t boot and you’ll be dropped into a rescue shell once you’ve entered the root password. Before you can edit the crypttab or fstab files to fix any mistakes you’ve made, you’ll need to remount the / partition as rw (linux mounts it as ro by default):
mount -o rw,remount /